Events General News

Centre Circle Day

Saturday 24th October 2020 between 11am and 4pm.

We’re delighted to confirm that we will be holding an event on 24th October 2020 between 11am and 4pm where we will be getting many buses out on the road to run on a circular route around Glasgow city centre. This will be a spectator event where you can come and see the buses in motion and out on the street. A great opportunity for photographers! Unfortunately, we are not able to allow passengers on the vehicles due to the current COVID-19 restrictions. But nonetheless, it will be a great chance to add some colour to the streets and to see the vehicles running.

Here’s a map showing the route. Vehicles will be running from around 11am through to 4pm.

Open Days

Open Weekend 10th & 11th October CANCELLED

We are sorry to announce that this event is now cancelled. If you have booked tickets online we will be refunding all payments over the next few days. You don’t need to contact us.

General News Open Days

Coronavirus Precautions

The trustees have reviewed the latest advice from the UK and Scottish Governments and have decided that the measures we have in place need to continue for the timebeing.  This means that the garage remains fully closed.

We have also looked ahead over the next couple of months and decided to cancel some more events.  The events cancelled are:

6th September – Open Sunday

We will continue to review the latest advice available and assess what it means for Trust activities.  Please be assured that the health, safety and wellbeing of everyone is at the forefront of our decision making.  Of course, the safety and security of the vehicles and garage building is also imperative and they will remain closely monitored.

General News

Purchase of BBG

The Glasgow Vintage Vehicle Trust (GVVT) is delighted to announce that it has completed the purchase of Bridgeton Bus Garage from City Property Glasgow (Investments) LLP, an arms-length organisation of Glasgow City Council.

This marks a major landmark for the Trust and provides a sound basis for its long-term future. Ownership of the garage gives GVVT the best opportunity to fulfil its aims and objectives, to keep the vehicles together as a ‘collection’ and ensure the greatest security for vehicle owners. Ownership will also present more opportunities to attract grants or loans for continuing development of the Trust’s activities, in particular the ‘Back on the Road’ social inclusion programme.

The Trust is very grateful to the help and support of City Property and our principal funder RBS Social & Community Capital. We also very much appreciated the range of private individuals who have contributed to make this possible.