Please find further down this page a link to download the next Glasgow Vintage Vehicle Trust business plan covering the period from 2018 to 2023.
All organisations have to look forward and set a strategy for their future. GVVT is no different. It cannot remain static. The Trust has made great strides in recent years. We can point to a growing collection of vehicles, more and more of which are restored and roadworthy. More events at the garage and elsewhere which increases our public profile. And there’s our continued commitment to the ‘Back on the Road’ programme helping some of the most vulnerable in society. These are significant achievements and give us a sound footing for the future.
The business plan document is made up of the following sections. It reviews the last five years and evaluates how successful we have been in achieving the goals we had set ourselves. It then looks forward to weigh up the challenges we see ahead. And finally, it sets a course through these which aims to see the Trust flourish and grow.
Documents such as the business plan are vital to an organisation such as the Trust. The plan shows potential funders and other interested parties our capabilities and that we have a clear strategy for the future. It is also important that they are shared and made available to all our stakeholders, in particular our members, and to let them see our way ahead. This keeps them well informed and may also let them see how they might be able to contribute.
Central to our future is the purchase of Bridgeton Bus Garage. Securing our future at the garage is at the core of what we want to do. Not only does this provide assurance for vehicle owners that secure facilities remain available but also keeps the collection of vehicles together. This gives an attractive offering to visitors while also providing a stable footing to continue ‘Back on the Road.’ Building purchase is a springboard to development and access to sources of funding not otherwise available to the Trust previously.
We hope that you find the business plan very informative and would encourage you to read it. If you have any queries then please get in touch with us at If you are interested in helping the Trust achieve its aims and have some time to spare to get involved then we would like to hear from you. Details of how to become a member can be found by clicking here.
This is an exciting time for the Glasgow Vintage Vehicle Trust as we work towards our aims. By achieving them, we will continue to give to our community in various ways, whether through ‘Back on the Road’ or the events we support. We can display our vehicles and open the garage to visitors helping maintain a key piece of everyone’s social heritage. And we will have a secure place where vehicle owners can undertake restoration. We would very much welcome your support to help us get there.
Best wishes,
Steven Booth
For and on behalf of the Trustees of the Glasgow Vintage Vehicle Trust